
dinsdag 11 maart 2025

Monument Thermphos - Fort Ellewoutsdijk Zeeland

Herdenkingsmonument Ruud de Looff en Ton Witte 

Monument ter ere van de twee omgekomen werknemers van de fosforfabriek Thermphos, voorheen Hoechst, bij een bedrijfsongeval in mei 2009. 

Fort Ellewoutsdijk 

Fort Ellewoutsdijk 

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Bellissimi posti, immagino pieni di vita.
    Un saluto grande a te, Caroline

  2. Unfortunately,
    with every progress,
    there are also work accidents.
    It's good that they made the monument to remember their loss.
    Thanks for the photos Caroline!!

  3. The memorial is nice! Great photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day!


Thanks for visiting and commenting my blog ! Regards Caroline 🍀